
Zombies are a species of Virtual Monsters that resemble the undead. They are not alive but, just because they aren't alive doesn't mean they don't have feelings. Zombies like to pray pranks on people but, because of their appearance, they are often seen as threats. Oddly enough, they do not seek out confrontation from humans or Virtual Monsters. Instead, they try their best to stay out of trouble. They try their best to make people laugh and are often the certain of attention at parties. It takes a while to get use to them but, once you do, Zombies will grow on you. They are recommended as a first species for beginner Tamers because of the moderate level of difficulty it is to tame Zombies. Zombies are typically quiet and have no speech, so it may take a while to understand their sense of humor. That being said, they will always be there to lift up their Tamer's spirit. Zombies are one of the four undead species of Virtual Monsters along with Djinn, Daimon and Spectres. Zombies have a similar story as Spectres when it comes to their birth.

Special Moves: Rebirth

Zombie Monsters

Amphibian | Ancient Beast | Avian | Beast | Canine
Construct | Cuisine | Daimon | Dinosaur | Divine Beast
Djinn | Feline | Golem | Homunculus | Insectoid
Mammal | Marine Beast | Mutant | Mythical Beast | Ogre
Reptile | Serpentine | Slime | Spectre | Trojan
Vegetation | Wurm | Zombie

Virtual Dex | Modifier Chip Library | System Protocols | MoveDex | Factions
Evolution Stages | Species

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