
Mutants are a species of Virtual Monsters that were created by humans. They are known for having a combination of features and traits and are honestly a human experiment gone wrong. While Homunculus were the ancient Virtual Monster's attempt at creating a human, and Constructs were designed by the ancient Virtual Monsters, Mutants were designed by humans in an attempt at creating their own species of Virtual Monster. They succeeded but, their experiment has gone horribly wrong. They resemble creatures known as chimera and often resemble aliens. To everyone, they are known as a man-made species of Virtual Monster. They are ferociously violent, especially towards humans, even though they were created by humans. They were created by combining the genetics of Beasts, Mammals, Dinosaurs, Canines, Felines, Avians and Marine Beasts. Due to the combination of traits, they tend to go berserk. Their genetics make them go rampant and they do not have any control over their actions. Their features can range but, they will always be identified by their unique genetic structure. They have a species rivalry with the Zombie species because of their status of being a freak of nature. Mutants are known for not having any self-control. This was an experiment gone completely wrong but, it is said that this experiment was given permission from humans by the ancient Virtual Monsters. Mutants are one of the three alchemical species of Virtual Monsters along with Constructs and Homunculus.

Special Moves: Mutagetic

Mutant Monsters

Amphibian | Ancient Beast | Avian | Beast | Canine
Construct | Cuisine | Daimon | Dinosaur | Divine Beast
Djinn | Feline | Golem | Homunculus | Insectoid
Mammal | Marine Beast | Mutant | Mythical Beast | Ogre
Reptile | Serpentine | Slime | Spectre | Trojan
Vegetation | Wurm | Zombie

Virtual Dex | Modifier Chip Library | System Protocols | MoveDex | Factions
Evolution Stages | Species

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