Ancient Beast

Ancient Beasts are a species of Virtual Monsters that are based on myths and legends in culture. Some of them are based on urban legends and others are based on bed time stories told to children. Monsters in this category can resemble a multitude of different characters and does not have a single look that distinguishes them from other species. They are typically distinguished by their character and personality, often having great wisdom and knowledge of the past and ancient times in the Virtual World. They are also known for using skills and abilities that only ancient legends would know about. Many of these legends can also be based on ancient folklore. They have a species rivalry with Mythical Beasts. Ancient Beasts are the oldest known group of species in the Virtual and were said to exist during the beginning of the Virtual World. While this information is kept secret, they are also known as "The Ancient Virtual Monsters" who helped shape the laws of the Virtual World. Eventually over time, they were forgotten and overran by Divine Beasts in terms of popularity. Ancient Beasts are one of the three creator species of Virtual Monsters along with Mythical Beasts and Divine Beasts. It is said that the creator species have the ability to rewrite the rules of the entire Virtual World.

Special Moves: Legendary Combo

Ancient Beast Monsters

Amphibian | Ancient Beast | Avian | Beast | Canine
Construct | Cuisine | Daimon | Dinosaur | Divine Beast
Djinn | Feline | Golem | Homunculus | Insectoid
Mammal | Marine Beast | Mutant | Mythical Beast | Ogre
Reptile | Serpentine | Slime | Spectre | Trojan
Vegetation | Wurm | Zombie

Virtual Dex | Modifier Chip Library | System Protocols | MoveDex | Factions
Evolution Stages | Species

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