
Amphibians are a species of Virtual Monsters that can live on land and in water. Monsters in this category resemble frogs, toads, newts, tadpoles and salamanders. That being said, there can be a few variations of their physical appearance which can include things such as horns and spikes. They are the species that is best known for their ability to adapt to different climates and situations. Among the different species of Virtual Monsters Amphibians are a smaller group than most of them. They have the ability to breathe through their skin, often absorbing water and other nutrients. They are also known for having long sticky tongues. They have a species rivalry with Insectoids as Amphibians are their natural predators. Amphibians are one of the species that new Tamers can start their journey with. Amphibians are one of the three aquatic species of Virtual Monsters along with Marine Beasts and Slimes. The aquatic species were said to have been born from database system programs.

Special Moves: Breathe Skin

Amphibian Monsters

Amphibian | Ancient Beast | Avian | Beast | Canine
Construct | Cuisine | Daimon | Dinosaur | Divine Beast
Djinn | Feline | Golem | Homunculus | Insectoid
Mammal | Marine Beast | Mutant | Mythical Beast | Ogre
Reptile | Serpentine | Slime | Spectre | Trojan
Vegetation | Wurm | Zombie

Virtual Dex | Modifier Chip Library | System Protocols | MoveDex | Factions
Evolution Stages | Species

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