The Black Hatters
The Black Hatters are an evil syndicate of hackers that exists in the Virtual World. Typically, they don't make moves in the Real World but, many of their activity seeks to harm people in the Real World and the Virtual World. Their main motive is to cause violence to people and to cause as much harm as possible. They use Virtual Monsters to commit the worst of crimes with includes violence, beatings, theft and pure vandalism. They do not respect authority and are at the top of the authorities watchlist. Law enforcement has a very hard time keeping these criminals at bay and fortunately, when they are imprisoned, they stay imprisoned for a very long time. Most of them will never get out once imprisoned. The only reason why anyone would join this group is to cause harm to people. It's their mission to cause as much trouble as possible to society using pure violence. Unfortunately, some of the world's best Tamers are in this group and unlike other groups, they are very stealthy. They keep their operations on the move. While they do commit theft, they are not known for accepting bribes from people as money is not their motivation for commiting crimes. All activity from this group is considered to be illegal. They are hated very much by Virtual Monster Association as many of their activities breaks the laws that they set when the Virtual World was first created. They are known for being the worst of crooks and do not fight fair. Although, the way how their group works is that, you have to be strong just to hang around them.
System Sector | Virtual Monsters Association | Circuit Mafia | https | Data Miners
The Black Hatters | Anon | Virtualist | IT Squad | Underground Monster League
Virtual Dex | Modifier Chip Library | System Protocols | MoveDex | Factions
Evolution Stages | Species
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