Circuit Mafia
Circuit Mafia is a crime syndicate that uses Virtual Monsters to commit crimes. They are typically crimes that are commited against people in the Real World. These crimes typically include theft, arsonry, kidnapping and public destruction of property. While other criminals don't see them as threats to the local authorities they can be a nuisance. They have a really good lawyer and he manages to get them out of prison every time they are incarcerated. They aren't a very sophisticated group as the main goal behind all of their crimes is to simply make money. The unfortunate part, is that they use Virtual Monsters to commit these crimes. This includes harming people in-order to get what they want. Typically seen as the comical relief, other law enforcement organizations take this band of criminals very serious. They are wanted all over the world. Most low-level crooks often join this gang as a way of breaking into different forms of criminal activity.
System Sector | Virtual Monsters Association | Circuit Mafia | https | Data Miners
The Black Hatters | Anon | Virtualist | IT Squad | Underground Monster League
Virtual Dex | Modifier Chip Library | System Protocols | MoveDex | Factions
Evolution Stages | Species
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