Codemaster Jamal

Forum Friendly
Hello everyone! This is Codemaster Jamal and today I am here to deliver some good news. For today, I would like to announce that Phantasmia Online has officially been added to our list of products. Phantasmia Online is a browser based MMORPG where you will be allowed to create characters and take them on adventures. You will also be allowed to battle other characters. Currently, majority of the skin is finished but, the forum is not entirely ready for posting. It still has a bit of updating left. I would also like to announce that I will be changing the Private message system for the site to make it easier to use across different machines.

Phantasmia Online

You can find the site at the like above but, please note that the site is not entirely finished. I just wanted to show off the skin I created for the site. Thank you to everyone that supports our games.
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MW Industries - Game Development and Software Virtual Monsters RPG Tales of Amedaria TCG Shinobu - World of Ninja Phantasmia Online RPG-D RPG Rating 0 0 0