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Codemaster Jamal

The Popular Kid

Prototypes and Playtesting

Hello everyone and welcome to another web post for Tales of Amedaria TCG! It's been announced on all of our other social media pages but, it ain't official until we announce it here. The prototypes have officially come in for the game!

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With the prototypes in, we have officially playtested the game and it's glad to say that the game is a success. The game needs more playtesting but, this will be figured out once more people play the game. We want to make the rules fair for everyone and it seems like the game is very well balanced. The only issues I was facing during the playtest is the ability to draw Basic Characters. If your deck has enough Basic Characters, you can activate most abilities and effects in the game. Your Army heavily relies on Basic Characters but, that's what was expected and wanted in the game.

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The rules for the most part are very balanced and work very well with any kind of deck but, the Armies that I have for sale need to be slightly modified for better gameplay between two players. Essentially, the Starter Armies are suppose to be good enough to play right away. There will be a tad bit of modification for the Starter Armies but, other than that, everything should be fine.

The first official release for the game will be the Book One : Flames Of Intrigue Booster Pack. Essentially, the way how Booster packs work is that, if you buy enough of them, you will be able to construct your own Army and play right away. We tested this theory and it works. Surprisingly, I was able to defeat a Starter Army with the deck I created from 5 booster packs. The game is a little un-easy because you will need to use the online library and the rulebook to look up effects for official rulings but, other than that, everything works.

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The game is a success and we can't wait to start playing with all of you. Of course, this means that the official CCG will be coming out soon and because of that, we are aiming for online gameplay and online competitions. It may take a while until we have official tournaments for the game but, Codemaster Jamal will go into detail about it in an official devlog.

We also have the Rulebook up for download on the Tales of Amedaria side of the website. There's also a Card Library where you can look up additional information about cards and find unique strategies to play. The Rulebook will need some additional tweaking because, it was written and proofread by one person and I personally made a few spelling mistakes. There's also one additional rule I needed to add and at the time it was hard to do so because, I'm the only one working on everything plus, there's the additional of personal life struggles.

Codemaster Jamal

The Popular Kid
We are nearing the last steps in printing an official version of the game. This may include a CCG that I have been working on for a while. By August 1st, 2024 you will officially be able to buy physical copies of cards from an online store. We are not going to mention anything about the game until an official copy is produced.

You can take a look around the site before things are officially announced. I don't want to spoil anything but, you'll find something cool if you take your time to look around the site. As of now, the first "book" of Tales of Amedaria is called "Flames Of Intrigue". This book is meant to introduce a lot of core concepts for the game. It's also meant to be the largest set, with later releases planning to have fewer cards. I wanted there to be 9 books in total but, I think I may shorten it to 5 or 6. Each set of cards has a story to be told through the artwork. See if you can piece the story together.

As for the CCG, I plan on releasing it despite it's full functionality. I may release it just to showcase some networking capabilities but, there may not be a full game available. If possible, I'd like to give people the ability to play against AI and possibly against other players but, we need to but another month or so into developing the project. We want to get onto releasing Virtual Monsters as soon as possible.

Last Edited: June 28th, 2024 04:37PM

Codemaster Jamal

The Popular Kid
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It's been a while since I made a Forum post. Despite the forum nit being very active, I think it's still important that I make forum posts from time to time. (In hopes it picks up).

Anyhow, I've already begun to modify the website. I put off working on Virtual Monsters in-order to finish this game. I've been working on this TCG since 2013, so it's been more than a decade. I need to finish this project before i pass away. Then, I will get back to my main game. Trust me, I'm putting all of my money, focus and attention into finishing Tales.

If you haven't noticed it yet, I've already worked on a few pages on the Tales of Amedaria side of the website. Thank you to everyone that visits the site.

This is just an update to show people that I've been working on the website and the TCG. I will update this post later with the teaser card that I uploaded across the net. I forgot that I have to update this website with forum posts. There are going to be over 400 cards in the first set. There's 427 to be exact. I'm at the point where I already have the cards ready to print and I will be updating the website with a database for the cards. Right now, I'm keeping things secretive but, if you snoop around the site, you'll find some cool goodies. Since I finished the Faction logos, I've been working on the game non-stop. I look forward to releasing the game soon.

Last Edited: June 10th, 2024 12:28PM

Codemaster Jamal

The Popular Kid
Faction Logos

I've been working on this game roughly since 2013 and I'm happy to say that I've finally gotten around to finishing this game. Unfortunately, the game is nothing like how it was when we started but, I'm happy that it's like that because I've made the game simpler in a lot of ways. I've also made it so that it's easier to get into. You can be relatively new to playing card games or someone who has played card games for a long time and still be able to get into it.

I won't put any details out for now but, I've finished the logo designs for the 5 major factions in the game. I won't tell anyone any details about how the game is played but, you will figure it out when the game is finished. I just got done with the logos for the 5 factions. I will be updating the Tales of Amedaria side of the website for anyone interested in the game and I will be posting an update to YouTube very soon.

Thank you to all of you who have waited a long time for this game. I plan on finishing the first set before the beginning of the summer.

Here are the Logos:

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Codemaster Jamal

The Popular Kid

Updated Factions

Hello everyone, and welcome back to the boards! This is to update everyone with what's going on with the website. If you have had a hard time registering an account recently, I am sorry. I need to re-test the emails that get sent when an account is registered. In other news, I finished the last of the Factions logos. We officially have logos for Virtualist, the Underground Monster League and the IT Squad. These factions play a huge role in the game's setting and story. You'll come face to face with both friends and foes from all of these factions. I hope this encourages you to read more about Virtual Monsters and the lore as it will be very soon where you will be able to test out the features of the game and play them. Thank you for everyone that took the time to read this post. I look forward to spending some time with you guys online. Please take the time to visit some of the links below. I spent a good amount of time designing all of these logos. I hope you enjoy reading those articles as much as I did creating them. Thanks a million!



IT Squad

Underground Monster League

Last Edited: February 20th, 2024 08:24PM


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